I love these hands and feet pictures. I have been asked numerous times by numerous people how I ever got such beautiful pictures of my children's hands and feet. They are shocked when I tell them I didn't. :-) This is actually a set of 5 x 7 postcards I purchased from IKEA a few years ago. I just love them. They are black and white and beautiful and they have always been one of my most treasured posessions. I wish I could say they are pictures of my children, but there is no way I could ever get them to sit still and position their hands and feet like this for long enough to snap a picture.
For the most part I love living on a military installation. It sure beats the heck out of living off post in this area. I get to hear them play taps twice a day (sometimes I even hear it from the neighboring Air Force base if the wind is blowing just right). If you are out and about when they play it life stops in it's tracks while people get out of their vehicles and salute or put their hand over their heart and pay respect to what deserves it most. Where else can you be driving and have a convoy military vehicles driving right alongside you? Famous people come to the PX all the time to sign autographs. And what beats getting to see a whole lot of hot men running around in uniform every day! Whoo hoo!
There are some downsides though, and one of them is field artillery. No, we don't have it raining down on our housing area but we sure hear a lot of it when they're training at the ranges. Sometimes it shakes the ground. Sometimes it scares the crap out of me in the middle of the night. Sometimes it's non-stop for over an hour at 3am when we should be sleeping peacefully. It ALWAYS sends all the dogs in the neighborhood into a fit of barking. Last week it literally shook one of my frames off the wall and the glass broke on the way down. Do you think I can find another frame that matches the remaining four? Of course not since that's just the way my life goes.
If your spouse is a 13B, 13D, 13P, or any of the other artillery MOS's I'm sure I'm not aware of, could you please tell them they owe me one black 5 x 7 picture frame? Thank you.
Friday night I swear there were pigs flying through the sky and sure enough it snowed on Saturday! I don't know how well you can see it in the picture but it is really coming down there. It never snows here. It really wasn't enough to accumulate on more then the grass but it was beautiful. I am from the north east and snow is one thing I miss the most. You may say I'm crazy but I miss trying to drive through it and shoveling it and playing in it and all the other wonderful things about snow! Cadence got to see it for the first time and actually enjoyed it until she tried to sit down and got a wet bum. Oh well. The flakes were the size of a quarter for a good 45 minutes before it slowed down. And by the next morning it had disappeared. I did get this one crappy picture just to remind myself it wasn't a dream.
We have lots of snow in Canada, I'll gladly send some your way if you like. :)
Your blog is so interesting to me. I'm happy I found you....don't know how I did. Must have just been surfin' the internet during work again!
i like your blog......
Hi neighbor! How are you?? I haven't seen you around - been wondering about you - I hope all is going well with you.
Remember when I was visiting NC last year and you gave me all that awesome info on kid stuff to do in the area, mall playgrounds, etc? Thanks so much for that! And now, I'm super happy to say that we live here in Durham now! The Hubbs Joe got a job in RTP. Hooray! :D
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