Look what arrived on my doorstep today! I was so excited I actually hugged the mailman, which I'm sure confirmed his suspicions about my mental state, but I was just THAT excited!
What are these little creatures you ask? They're Lumplings! What are Lumplings you ask? Lumplings are the sweetest handmade dolls, made by the wonderful Amy of Amy Rue. I was lucky enough to be able to adopt Bravo when the new herd was ready to go last week, and because she's a super special lady, Amy was also kind enough to send along a pint size Lump for Dathan to take to Iraq with him. I am so happy, as is Dathan, that this little guy will be his companion over in the sandbox. I have assured Amy he will be perfectly safe in Dathan's care, and I will make sure I keep you updated on their journey together over there. If you want to know more about Amy Rue and the Lumplings click HERE. She also has some fantastic handmade and vintage items in her shop that are truely one-of-a-kind. Thank you Amy for being so wonderful and generous!
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